HEADTEACHER: Mr L Robichaud | Ashford, TN24 9LS | Tel: 01233 622510

Office open 8:15am - 4:15pm , Breakfast club 7:45am - 8:40am, Morning gates open 8:40am - 8:50am Afternoon gates open at 3:10pm for 3:15pm

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Owls Club

Owls Club

We offer after school child care for anyone who needs this facility.

Children can go to Owls club any day you need them to and you only pay for the sessions that they attend. Owls club runs between 3.15pm and 5.30pm Monday to Friday for £6 per child, per night; this includes a drink and a snack. 

Spaces need to be booked in advance; if you need a space on the day please call the office first to ensure that a space is available and to ensure that your child receives to message to go to Owls club.

Children will need to be collected from the main office; if you need to collect your child before 5.30pm please ring the buzzer at the main office or phone to staff. The telephone number is located next to the buzzer.


Phoenix Eco- Committee

Photo 1 Eco Committee min


We have several projects either in progress or in the pipeline, which will improve the environment. At the beginning of the year, we conducted an in-depth environmental review, which consisted of completing a checklist against different eco-topics. The results showed that our three main areas to improve on as a school were ‘energy’, ‘litter’ and ‘marine’.  We wrote up the result of our review and each read it out to our class to inform them of our findings and our plans so that we could have their support.

(photo 2- environmental review- 6 pics)

Photo 2 Env Review Marine 2 min Photo 2 Env Review Litter 2 min

Photo 2 Env Review Marine 2 min Photo 2 Env Review Litter min

Photo2 Environmental Review Energy minScaled  Photo 2 Env Review Marine minscaled

We completed an action plan against these eco topics to plan how we could improve over the course of the year. We, as Eco-councillors, appointed ourselves as energy monitors, to check that in each of our classrooms, whiteboards, lights and other electronics were switched off when not in use.

Action Plan

 We explained to our classes how we needed to ensure that all litter was put into bins and how we needed to make sure that recycling went into the correct bin. This year we have completed litter picks both in the local community and in our school grounds and encouraged other children in school to join in to help with this. We hope to buy more bins for the school because some of them are really far apart. 

Photo 4 Litter Pick 1 min Photo 4 Litter Pick 2 min

Photo 4 Litter Pick 3 minscaled Photo 4 Litter Pick 4 minScaled

Photo 4 Litter Pick 5 min Photo 4 Litter Pick 6 min

Photo 4 Litter Pick 7 min 

All classes have been learning about the environment this year and how we can look after the planet. Year 3 have been learning about plastic pollution and how it can harm the environment and marine life. They read a book called ‘One Plastic Bag’ and learnt how to reduce our plastic use or recycle plastic bags by making them into something else to re-use. We saw a video of how a lady wove together lots of used plastic bags to make a new, stronger bag which could be used over and over.  We created posters about how to look after marine life by taking care with how plastic os used and disposed of. 

(photo 5- Year 3 English work- 5 pics)

Photo 5 Year3 Eng work 1 min Photo 5 Year3 Eng work 2 min

Photo 5 Year3 Eng work 3 min Photo 5 Year3 Eng work 4 minRoated

Photo 5 Year3 Eng work 5 minRotated


The Eco-council are leading an assembly on 6th July for ‘Plastic Free Month’ where we can make sure the whole school are aware of how and why it is so important it is to reduce plastic waste and to give tips on how to do this.  We are taking steps to reduce the amount of single use plastic bought to use in lessons, such as balloons, glitter and straws- opting to ensure that we use eco-friendly alternatives instead.

 Photo 6 Plastic Free Month

Our focus is always on reducing, reusing and recycling wherever we can. We try to reduce the amount of paper we use as a school and made a poster to go behind the printer to make adults in school think about whether they need to print as much as they are. We have suggested that printing should be double sided, shared between children and in black and white, if possible.

Photo 8 Pond Area min

We aim to plant a wild flower meadow on the grass bank beside the school building. This will help pollinators including butterflies, moths and bees and will help insects that pollinate our food crops. We have got several bug hotels around the school grounds. Bug hotels benefit lots of different types of minibeast and insects such as ladybirds, bees, spiders and woodlice. Minibeasts can then use the bug hotel as a safe space to shelter, lay their eggs, raise their young, and seek refuge from predators. Many animals start looking for safe spaces in autumn in preparation to hibernate. We have a lovely pond in our forest school area, which encourages frogs, newts, dragonflies, water boatman, pond skaters and other marine life. We do pond dipping to look more closely at these creatures and learn about them.  Our field is very big and so we plan to use the section at the end to plant wild flowers and fruit trees so that we can encourage more insects, butterflies and birds.

Photo 8 Pond Area min

We have bought a poly-tunnel to help us to grow things in. Next year, classes will again be responsible for weeding and maintaining the planters on the field. We will encourage them to plant flowers and crops to help pollinators and to provide foods which can be used by the school. We plan to install compost bins outside the school hall for the lunch staff to put any vegetable waste into when they are preparing lunches. We also plan to put a compost bucket in the school hall for children to place their compostable waste into from their packed lunches. Eco councillors will be responsible for putting this into the main compost bin at the end of lunch times and will sort through to ensure that there is nothing in the buckets which cannot be composted. 

We are collecting empty crisp packets in the hall to recycle and send to Terracyle. A box has been put in the school hall and staff room for crisp packets to be placed into and they are then taken to be recycled at the local supermarket in their soft plastics bin. Terracycle sort the packets by plastic type and extrude them into plastic pellets to make new recycled products. The pellets are then sold as a raw material to manufacturing companies who complete the recycling journey by producing end-products like outdoor furniture and decking, plastic shipping pallets, watering cans, storage containers, flooring tiles, playground surfacing and much more.

 Our Eco-Committee have discussed and decided on an Eco-Code which is a whole school promise to protect the planet that reflects the topic work and action plan of our Eco-Committee during this school year.

Photo 9 Eco Code min


Religious Education

Religious Education at Phoenix Community Primary School


At Phoenix Community Primary School, we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. The aim of Religious Education in our school is to help pupils to develop and acquire knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. We want them to learn and to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It plays an important role, along with all other curriculum areas, particularly PSHE, in promoting social awareness and understanding in our pupils. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences. We include and promote British values, ensuring that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens.

When discussing religion, pupils would be expected to share examples of being able to recall events and facts about religions; relating their own events to the religious events; being able to describe the impact of stories and show understanding, giving a personal reason why as well as being able to give clear reasons ‘why’. When talking about their learning from religion, pupils would be expected to share their own experiences, respond in discussions with others; find things in common with other people; apply their knowledge and ask questions; have the courage to express their views and opinions, especially being able to communicate their own personal thought clearly.


The teaching of Religious Education is taught in line with the Canterbury Diocese scheme of work and it is has been agreed that the following religions will form the pupil’s study.

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Sikhism

We value the religious background of all members of the school community and hope that this will encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely. All religions and their communities are treated with respect and sensitivity and we value the links, which are, and can be made between home, school, and a faith community. We acknowledge that each religion studied can contribute to the education of all our pupils. We promote teaching in Religious Education that stresses open enquiry and first-hand experiences wherever possible for both staff and pupils. At Phoenix, the teaching of our R.E. curriculum ensures that there are links to important dates, religious festivals and provides opportunities to celebrate festivals, different religions which are relevant to our pupils and shares consistency. The pupils at Phoenix Community Primary School enjoy learning about other religions and why people choose, or choose not to follow a religion. Through their R.E. learning, the pupils are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world, developing an understanding of other people’s cultures and ways of life. As such, R.E. is invaluable in an ever changing world. We want our pupil’s to have:

  • Knowledge and references to religious and non-religious beliefs, ways of life, worldwide views
  • A rich and diverse community
  • Visit places of workshops, and faith communities local to school
  • Concepts and mastery of skills to make sense of religion and beliefs
  • Positive attitude and value; reflect and relate their own learning in RE to their own experience
  • Acknowledge philosophical perspectives
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of religions, contributing to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development


Our pupils will be able to talk confidently about different religions and their impact on individuals and communities. Pupils will show tolerance and respect towards others and their views whilst being able to express their own thoughtfully and sensitively. Their learning is recorded through a variety of outcomes; there is evidence of pupil voice in the class floor book where they have the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about an event or a topic. Pupils evidence their learning on Seesaw, an online learning journal, where they can post their learning or complete activities set by the class teacher. We understand that not all aspects of learning from religion are assessable or measurable, we fully encourage pupils to share personal views, attitudes or emotions. Demonstration of these skills show examples of responding and evaluating.



Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages at Phoenix Community Primary School


It is our intent at Phoenix Community Primary School to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in Modern Foreign Languages, which
develops their love of learning about other languages and cultures. Our current MFL taught is French, however we strive to provide children with opportunities to experience a range of other languages, especially those that are home languages of some of our pupils. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of our children’s primary education, they have acquired an understanding of both spoken and written French, confidence to speak in French with others and know how important other languages can be in their future.


Our MFL curriculum is designed to develop not only our children’s language skills, but also their love of learning a language. It progressively develops language skills, through regularly taught lessons. This allows the children to acquire new language then use and apply it in a range of different scenarios and topics. ​Children are encouraged and supported to develop their speaking and listening skills through conversational work and games. This also links to our schools focus on oracy, this at the heart of our school ethos. As their confidence and skill grows, children record their work through pictures, captions and sentences, sometimes this is uploaded onto Seesaw for children and teachers to appraise their oracy.

All children in KS2 will have regular language lessons with their class teacher. We currently use ‘Linguascope’ to support our teaching of French and the magazine ‘Allons-y’ to develop reading skills.

Annually we celebrate European Day of Languages in September and follow a theme for that day. Children get the opportunity to engage in sports, music, art, cooking, games, scavenger hunts and many other activities on this day.


Our MFL curriculum will ensure all pupils develop key language learning skills set out by the national curriculum, as well as a love of languages and learning about other cultures.

These are as follows:

  • understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources
  • speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation



At Phoenix Community Primary School, we follow the New National Curriculum Guidance using a quality literature-based approach to learning which helps to immerse our children in relevant, exciting books that will stimulate their imagination. Each term, the learning in the classrooms is underpinned by either a high-quality fiction or non-fiction text selected by

our staff from the Power of Reading scheme to allow our children to become absorbed by the written-word and generate their own passionate, thoughtful and well-structured writing across a range of different genres. As mirrored in the other subjects across our curriculum, lessons at Phoenix have a heavy basis in oracy (talk), as we believe communication and language proficiency underpins all other areas of learning and that good literacy is dependent on a securely developed understanding of spoken language, vocabulary and listening comprehension skills. At all stages, reading and phonics are prioritised to ensure our children are able to access information, education and life beyond their primary schooling because this is what they need to be successful and happy.

Our English curriculum heavily prioritises:

  • Early and secure literacy skills centred around rich language development and oracy (expression through speech)
  • Reading and phonics, because this is what our pupils need
  • Creativity at both a content and grammatical/structural level
  • The use of subject specific vocabulary to embed understanding and knowledge




At Phoenix, we believe that great writing comes from teachers who champion oracy as a process, whereby students learn to write through talk, deepening their vocabulary and understanding of that term’s high-quality text through a constant and rich dialogue with their teachers and peers. Oracy involves our teachers and students thinking carefully and deliberately about the spoken language they are using, whilst responding to structured questions in discussion with others, helping our students to deepen their understanding of key knowledge points, principles and processes. Talk happens at the beginning of and throughout our learning sequence, not just at the end. In our classrooms, talk is exploratory, critical and impactful, rather than presentational. To help our students achieve this, we explicitly teach the four distinct – but interlinked – strands recommended to teach good communication skills outlined by academics at Cambridge University, which are the: physical, linguistic, cognitive and social/emotional elements of talk.

Our children are encouraged and expected to use this ‘sea of talk’ as a foundation on which to ‘float’ their own ideas, by planning, writing, editing and improving an extended piece of writing linked to their topic every 2-3 weeks. This extended writing task provides an opportunity for children to independently apply a wide range of learned skills.

 “Good literacy floats on a sea of talk” James Britton (1970)

 Writing not only begins at Phoenix with talk and immersion around a topic introduced through a carefully selected high-quality text, but also with supplementary model texts provided by the class teacher or lifted from the literature itself. These texts provide our children with a piece of writing to aspire to and a visible, dissectible and relevant example of what their own end goal is. Teachers ensure that when planning a writing unit, all of the grammatical, structural and contextual features of the text type are included in the model piece and you will find if you visit our classrooms that the children can talk confidently about why a text/an element of an extract of writing is successful and how they hope to emulate that same effect in their own work. This is based on the theory taught by education consultant Jane Considine for ‘The Write Stuff’ and ‘The Training Space’. Using this technique and training our children are able to achieve high-quality independent writing of their own across a wide range of genres that they and our staff are extremely proud of.


Staff are making a move away from traditional planning towards a more fluid ‘S plan’ model; this approach is also recommended by our Maths lead for her subject so means staff are planning in a consistent way. S planning allows us to move away from rigid lessons or set time to be spent on individual activities and gives teachers and students more autonomy to decide how long needs to be spent at each stage of the ‘S’.

When S planning, always begin at the outcome; what is it you want your pupils to achieve at the end of the unit? Once this is in place, go back to the start of the ‘S’ and begin mapping out the steps it will take to allow the children to achieve this end. Every outcome should be underpinned by 2 or 3 grammar/punctuation teaching points which match the outcome/text type. This may be for example one new concept and the recap of a prior teaching point.

These are to be taught in a ‘mastery’ style. Somewhere on your ‘S’ plan there should always be an opportunity for the children to participate in one or two oracy activities to stimulate their creativity once they have been given their writing brief/outcome.  The final points on your ‘S’ plan should be the writing stage of the unit, followed by an opportunity to edit and improve through an evaluation of their writing. Following this, the children stamp their work to show they have achieved/reached the end point.

Picture 1 Picture 2
Year 2 Example Year 6 Example


As you can see the ‘S’ plan itself should not be onerous on members of staff; we place more importance on the quality of the creation of the lessons themselves and content of the grammar sessions/model text written by the teacher.

Grammar Mastery Approach

At Phoenix we pride ourselves on our SPAG results at KS2. Much of this success has come down to our mastery approach to punctuation and grammar teaching. Much like in Maths Mastery sessions, grammar and punctuation points are broken down into discrete SPAG sessions, in which we use stickers to guide children through their learning in small and manageable chunks.

Again, like Maths Mastery, we like to include a variety of question types into these sessions to ensure all children can access the content. These questions should build in difficulty/complexity, however we do not have reasoning questions exclusively at the end of the sticker sheet; all children should have access to these question types.

Picture 3
Picture 4
YEAR 4 – Grammar lesson example – Punctuating items in a list

The grammar and punctuation points you are teaching or recapping should DIRECTLY impact upon your ‘S’ plan outcome, for example teaching direct speech if your outcome is a short story, modal verbs if writing a persuasive advert or question marks if writing a letter of complaint in which you wish to see rhetorical questions.

 Again, there is no set time for the grammar session, it does not have to take up a whole lesson in the sequence (although of course it could if you wanted/it was necessary).


In all of our writing units, there MUST be an opportunity for oracy. Oracy/talk sessions are of vital

importance at Phoenix as our children have poor language acquisition and find it difficult communicating with each other. Therefore, we must teach them HOW to talk. We believe a good talker needs:

  1. Somewhere to talk
  2. Something exciting to talk about
  3. Someone to talk to who is interested
  4. Some words to use

Picture 5

Each class should have a ‘talk’ display which shows our rules for talk. These can be developed and added to over the course of the year. These rules should look to encompass the elements shown above and others that as a class you value, e.g. be prepared to change your mind, it’s okay not to agree with your friend, invite someone to contribute if they aren’t joining in, etc.

Not only is it important to teach our children HOW to talk, but the content of their talk is also invaluable. What message do we send to our pupils that we as the teacher are always the ones imparting knowledge from the front of the classroom? Our children have a HUGE amount of prior knowledge, and if they are able to share this with their peers, the impact will be far greater.

Oracy activities are a fantastic way of drawing out these ‘experts’ in the room. Activities which allow for repetition of an answer to different children with the aid of STEM sentences means children have a chance to rehearse, change, add to, embellish their answers as they listen to their peers. We also see far higher engagement when children are then asked if they want to share their ideas with the whole room; this is as a direct result of them being able to rehearse their answer aloud. The idea that verbalising thinking reinforces vocabulary, build confidence and rehearsal which allows for answers to improve is called: spaced inter-leaving.

On the next page are some examples of oracy talk strategies we love to see being used in the classroom. Don’t be afraid to use these in writing lessons. Don’t feel pressured to have children writing in a writing session if someone from SLT walks in! We champion talk and value the process.

The Onion – oracy activity
Picture 6

Other talk strategies

Picture 7

The 3 W’s task

Picture 8

Language Through Colour

Language through colour (LTC) is a colour coded approach to support language acquisition and development. Colour coding language helps children with specific communication and language needs, as well as visual learners, and has been shown to have a positive impact on the outcome of all pupils. Specifically, it helps the development of vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure when writing. There are 12 colours in our LTC program and these are broken down so that there is clear progression through the year groups. Year R for example study 3 of the colours (yellow, pink and orange), whereas Year 6 study all 12 colours. We promote the use of LTC in all of all classrooms and the colours to be studied in that year group are visible on display for the benefit of the pupils and staff. Any topic specific vocabulary you share with the class should correspond with these colours, as should any scaffolded or closed task.

Below is the LTC chart we use, and the right are some examples of how you could incorporate LTC into your writing and history lessons as an example:

Picture 9

Our Language Through Colour categories have also been put into Widgit form to further support the understanding of our children with communication and language needs, and these are displayed in all classrooms, as well as worn on lanyards by the staff who are teaching and supporting the learning in our classrooms.


Feedback in writing sessions should be timely and in the lessons as opposed to retrospectively. The best way to achieve this is by following our feedback policy.

Green highlighters – capture positive work which meet the lesson intent/focus
Yellow highlighters – capture areas for improvement

Both teachers and TAs at Phoenix are encouraged to have these highlighters with them in lessons and to highlight the children’s work in writing lessons as the lesson is in progress, not afterwards when the feedback has less meaning and cannot be acted upon immediately.

In UKS2, children have a grammar book and a presentation book so that their final drafts can be displayed in a separate book, of which the children are always very proud. These books should also be marked with yellow and green highlighter with ticks and wishes displayed at the end of the piece to show successes and next step


Writing is assessed at moderation meetings with our HUB, in dedicated whole staff meetings at Phoenix, by our SLT as well as at class/teacher level. This ensures that our assessment is correct and has been validated by other trusted members of staff. 

At Phoenix we have been trained to moderate writing using Comparative Judgement and this has been highly successful. This is the process of essentially ranking a piece of similar writing from best to worst against the assessment criteria and using this to decide where the cut-offs are for Emerging, Greater Depth etc.

On-going writing assessment is beginning to be tracked on SeeSaw, although this is in the very early stages. Teachers can set grammar/punctuation work or a writing activity attached to a learning skill. Progress and assessment can then be tracked on SeeSaw.

We are also in the process of collecting writing from Phoenix that has been externally moderated and creating a bank for teachers who are new to a particular year group to aid in their assessment process.

Assessment of oracy is conducted through case-studies. Each class identifies 3 students and these students can be recorded before a unit to elicit what a child knows, and then again after the oracy session to record how their answers and knowledge have improved. This is recorded and evidenced on SeeSaw.

Read more: Writing

Contact Us

Tel: 01233 622510

Belmont Road, Ashford, 
Kent, TN24 9LS

  • Headteacher
    Mr L Robichaud
  • Office Manager
    Mrs D Davis
  • Finance
    Mrs S Burberry
  • Site Manager
    Mr S King
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