Family Learning Homework
What is family-learning?
Home learning is a chance for students to take what they learnt from school and develop their understanding by carrying out enjoyable tasks with the support of family members. We expect the best in all of our pupil’s home learning; quality presentation, high effort and lots of fun!
What is the purpose of Family learning?
The whole purpose of family learning is for adults and children to work together on a range of tasks. Home learning is proved to help parents understand more of what their children are learning at school.
What is a good example of Family learning?
There have been many excellent examples of family learning in this school. The work covers a range of subjects from writing a descriptive piece to creating a 3D model. Phoenix will always look to reward students who do their home learning through House points, Star of the Week Certificates or Purple Pen Work.
How can parents support Family learning?
Parents should look to check on what the weekly tasks are and talk to their children to set a plan to complete it. You can create a set time on the weekends or the weekdays for the whole family to get involved. Finally, you can reward or encourage them to do their best and make sure to complete the tasks.