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HEADTEACHER: Mr L Robichaud | Ashford, TN24 9LS | Tel: 01233 622510

Office open 8:15am - 4:15pm , Breakfast club 7:45am - 8:40am, Morning gates open 8:40am - 8:50am Afternoon gates open at 3:10pm for 3:15pm

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Useful Links for Governors

FFT Governor Dashboard:

  • The new FFT Governor Dashboard is a great ‘support and challenge’ tool for Governors, allowing schools to quickly understand key strengths and weaknesses and make more informed decisions. The dashboard has been produced in partnership with the Wellcome Trust and the National Governors’ Association.


National Governor's Association:

  • Provides support and information to governors, including a useful range of publications and a help-line.


Department for Education:

  • The government department responsible for drawing up and implementing policy at a national level.




  • The non-ministerial government department responsible for monitorign standards in all maintain schools and Local Authorities in England. School inspections can be found on the website and there is a section on publications.



GEL - Governor's on-line training:

  • The training on GEL supplements conventional face to face training rather than replacing it. It provides an opportunity for governors to access training more easily from their own homes, offices and schools and promote discussion about a range of topics in governors' meetings.



Modern Governor:

  • Modern Governor has been designed to help School Governors develop their knowledge and skills through e-learning and is being used by thousands of both newly appointed and established School Governors nationwide.  The e-learning is interactive and engaging, using scenario based material to make the subjects come alive.

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