HEADTEACHER: Mr L Robichaud | Ashford, TN24 9LS | Tel: 01233 622510

Office open 8:15am - 4:15pm , Breakfast club 7:45am - 8:40am, Morning gates open 8:40am - 8:50am Afternoon gates open at 3:10pm for 3:15pm

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Music at Phoenix Community Primary School


At Phoenix Community Primary School there is a reasonable stock of untuned percussion instruments, as well as keyboards, guitars and ukuleles. Children learn to play the instruments with the correct technique but are also given opportunities to ‘explore freely’, what the instruments can do and to make appropriate instrument choices for given stimuli.

Throughout KS1, children are given time to compose short pieces in pairs and small groups and these pieces are often recorded so the children can reflect on their work. The children discover how to make simple graphic scores so they can reproduce their work. Children in year 3 learn to play and move in a samba band. African drumming, percussion and singing is explored in years 2 and 4. Years 4-6 also learn to play ukulele Children learn to perform with accuracy and confidence on their instruments. There is also the opportunity to take instrumental lessons individually or in small groups on a range of instruments.


Music is considered to be essential to the all round development of children at Phoenix and the use of specialist teachers within the school allows for the delivery of a broad and deep curriculum. Music is delivered throughout the school and non-specialist teachers support the delivery and also engage in music making with their classes. Music also enhances the sense of community within the school. Music is part of each day at Phoenix and children are given a wide range of opportunities, to perform, listen and create music that reflects a multi cultural society. All children are given access to the musical curriculum whatever their personal needs are.

Developing an expressive singing voice is at the heart of the children’s musical development in Key Stage 1.

Picture 1

The children will:

  • Learn to sing with ever increasing accuracy within an appropriate pitch range
  • Sing with expression and understanding
  • Use their voice to discover pulse and rhythm through a range of gross and fine motor movements
  • Use their voices to understand a number of simple patterns including partner songs and canons.
  • Use their voices to compose short chants and songs
  • Use songs to learn about many aspects of the school curriculum other than music.
  • Use their voices to perform individually, in small groups, as a class and as a whole school in a variety of different situations.

Whilst in school children listen to music from a wide range of musical styles and cultures. This allows pupils to discover areas of strength. Music will also develop an understanding of culture and history, both in relation to students individually, as well as ethnicities from across the world. Children are able to enjoy music, in as many ways as they choose- either as listener, creator or performer. The children learn to observe closely what they hear and discover the language to comment and appraise what they ’feel’ and why.

Contact Us

Tel: 01233 622510

Belmont Road, Ashford, 
Kent, TN24 9LS

  • Headteacher
    Mr L Robichaud
  • Office Manager
    Mrs D Davis
  • Finance
    Mrs S Burberry
  • Site Manager
    Mr S King
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