HEADTEACHER: Mr L Robichaud | Ashford, TN24 9LS | Tel: 01233 622510

Office open 8:15am - 4:15pm , Breakfast club 7:45am - 8:40am, Morning gates open 8:40am - 8:50am Afternoon gates open at 3:10pm for 3:15pm

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Sports Premium Allocation

Sports Premium Funding

The Sports Grant consists of £16,000 plus £10 per pupil. For the 2021/22 Academic Year, the school has been allocated £17,790

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 Sports Premium

Use of Sports Premium

At Phoenix School, we believe that the purpose of the Sports Premium is:

  • To ensure that children benefit from high quality Physical Education as part of the school curriculum and that staff benefit from continuing professional development;
  • To provide opportunities for competitive school sport for all children who wish to take part;
  • To encourage children to take part in School Sports, PE and active play at break and lunch times;
  • To identify, enthuse and engage with children and families who are less likely to choose sports and exercise as a lifestyle choice;
  • To increase the number of children who take part in after-school sports clubs by offering a wider range of activities;
  • To work in partnership with other organisations and school to maximise the potential of School Sports and PE;
  • To raise attainment in primary school swimming;
  • To inspire children to participate in a range of sporting activities, especially the least active.

In the academic year 2020/21, what was the Sports Premium Spent on?

In developing School Sports and PE, over the course of the year the Sports Premium Funding (£17,750) was allocated in several ways:

  • The employment of a Sports Coach to Team Teach with a wider group of staff in order to upskills and develop confidence in the teaching of PE and provide additional after school clubs (£12,000)
  • Specialist coach to lead sports science education linked to football team (£525)
  • Funding towards a local sports partnership which allows the school to participate in a number of inter- and intra-school competitions over the year. (£0) - due to Covid
  • The provision of ‘Forest School’ sessions to encourage children to spend more time outdoors and develop their leadership and teambuilding skills. (£1,770)
  • Subsidising the cost of a lease for a school minibus to allow teams to travel to other schools and take part in competitions without the need to be reliant on parental support. (£2750)
  • Funding a variety of games and sports based after-school clubs in order to engage a greater number of children in physical activity. (£0) - due to Covid
  • To increase the resources/equipment to enable pupils to participate in a wide range of sports. (£805)


2018/19 Impact Summary

Over the course of the year, the percentage of children participating in extra-curricular sports rose from 30% to 38% with the gender gap closing from 22% in the Autumn Term to 0% in the Spring and Summer Terms.

The range and number of clubs was increased with funding allowing support staff to run extra-curricular sports clubs for identified groups of children (age and gender).

All staff were able to use the newly introduced Scheme of Work to ensure appropriate pitch and progression within all areas of School Sports and PE.

Key Staff identified that they felt more secure in delivering PE lessons following Team Teaching alongside the PE Sports Coach.

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


In the Academic year 2021/22, what will the sports premium funding be spent on?

Strategies which were deemed to be successful will be carried over:

  • The employment of a Sports Coach to Team Teach with a wider group of staff in order to upskills and develop confidence in the teaching of PE and provide after school sports clubs (£12,000)
  • Funding towards a local sports partnership which allows the school to participate in a number of inter- and intra-school competitions over the year. (£705)
  • The provision of ‘Forest School’ sessions to encourage children to spend more time outdoors and develop their leadership and teambuilding skills. (£2,608)
  • Subsidising the cost of a lease for a school minibus to allow teams to travel to other schools and take part in competitions without the need to be reliant on parental support. (£2750)
  • Funding for staff to run a variety of games and sports based after-school clubs in order to engage a greater number of children in physical activity. (£532) 
  • To increase the resources/equipment to enable pupils to participate in a wide range of sports, particularly for playground and playing field during break and lunch times. (£800)
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle through a whole school 'Healthy Week' with activities and speakers. (£500)

It is recognised that the amount stated exceeds the total Sports Premium funding. This is because we place a high importance on the value of physical activity and competitive sports at Phoenix. Further support will be targeted towards supporting families in the areas of Healthy Eating and Lifestyles.

The impact of this funding will be monitored by the Learning and Development Team of the Governing Body.

Sports Premium 2021/22 Evidencing the Impact

Contact Us

Tel: 01233 622510

Belmont Road, Ashford, 
Kent, TN24 9LS

  • Headteacher
    Mr L Robichaud
  • Office Manager
    Mrs D Davis
  • Finance
    Mrs S Burberry
  • Site Manager
    Mr S King
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