Role of the Governing Body
- The governors are a group of individuals, made up of parents, staff, members of the community and the Local Authority.
Proportions of governors are of at least one quarter of parents, two members of staff including the headteacher. In addition, the Governing Body comprises of co-opted governors, local authority governors and foundation governors. Governors serve for four years, and will have a variety of responsibilities during this time.
Governors are volunteers from all walks of life. An effective governing body will have people from different backgrounds with mixed skills. Governors are not education experts - they are there to bring a fresh perspective.
The role of the governing body is a strategic one. Its key functions are to:
- Set aims and objectives for the school.
- Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives.
- Set targets for achieving those aims and objectives.
- Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives.
- Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher.
Governors are required to declare any potential business interests that may lead to a conflict of interest and this may be found here:
Document: Summary of Governor Business Interests 2023-24
Full Governing Body
The current members are:
- Alan Dean - Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor
- Christine Woolgar - Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor
- Leon Robichaud - Headteacher Governor
- Shaun King - Staff Governor
- Sarah Jevons - Parent Governor
- Darren Clark - Co-opted Governor
- Diccon Spain - Co-opted Governor
- (Attending) Sarah Town - DHT
- Vacant - 2 Foundation Governor
- Vacant - 1 Parent Governor
- Vacant - 1 Co-opted Governor
- Vacant - 1 Local Authority Governor
- Vacant - Vice Chair
The clerk to the Governing Body is Jane Phillips.
Minutes of the Full Governing Body Meetings can be requested through an email request to the school office.
Learning and Development Committee
The current members are:
- Alan Dean - Chair
- Sarah Jevons - Vice Chair
- Leon Robichaud - Headteacher Governor
- (Attending) Sarah Town - DHT
Minutes of the Learning and Development Team Meetings can be requested through an email request to the school office.
Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee
The current members are:
- Darren Clark - Chair
- Christine Woolgar - Vice Chair
- Leon Robichaud - Headteacher Governor
- Alan Dean
Minutes of the Resources Team Meetings can be requested through an email request to the school office.
If you wish to make contact with the Chair of Governors then you may do so through the school office.
Governor Attendance Record can be seen within the Summary of Governor Business Interests 2023-24