HEADTEACHER: Mr L Robichaud | Ashford, TN24 9LS | Tel: 01233 622510

Office open 8:15am - 4:15pm , Breakfast club 7:45am - 8:40am, Morning gates open 8:40am - 8:50am Afternoon gates open at 3:10pm for 3:15pm

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Parental Survey

Each year, the staff and governors of Phoenix School meet to discuss our priorities for the coming year; we look at what has gone well over the past year and what we would like to develop in the future.

It is very important that parents have a voice in this process and so we conduct an annual Parental Survey. Every single parent has an important stake in the future of Phoenix School; your children are here and the decisions that we make directly impact on your children. This means that we need to hear from you what you think the school is doing well as well as what you feel could be improved.

These results are discussed at our annual Self-Evaluation Day and this feeds into our School Plan which you can access on our website.

Our last Parental Survey was February 2016, the results are published here and also includes national data as a basis for comparison.


  • All questions have a greater percentage of positive answers than other primary schools nationally.
  • 100% of parents who responded would recommend Phoenix School to another parent.
  • 97.5% of parents who responded agreed that their child was happy at Phoenix School.
  • 100% of parents who responded agreed that their child was taught well at Phoenix School.
  • There were no parents who said that the school did not deal with bullying effectively.



"I often tell people how much I like the school and advise they visit and put their child's name on the list. Always a smile from the reception staff to make you feel welcome." Anon

"My child loves this school, the music in school. activities and the new challenge club too. It would be nice to have debating society club as well if its possible. Thank you for your work." A.B.P.

"[Name] has thoroughly enjoyed her time at Phoenix and I am sure she will continue to, this is all down to all the staff who are a credit to the school." C.S.

"Gardening patch so children can learn more about food, flowers, etc" Anon

"Very good well disciplined." Anon

"To my knowledge our children have not had any problems with bullying." Anon

"My child hasn't been at this school long but I have noticed a big improvement, she is a lot happier and her behaviour has improved so her willing[ness] to learn is a lot better. I have no fault in this school, if I do have a problem I'm sure the staff would be able to sort it out" Anon

"My daughter loves this school and that is what matters to me as she is eager to learn and soaks up the education like a sponge! The teachers and staff are all very friendly and helpful. I love that all the children no matter what year they are in know the other children. This is such a happy little school and I'm so pleased I chose it for my children. I'm coming in September!" Anon

"School club has not done enough to uneven distribution." Anon

"Lovely, friendly staff." Anon

"My child has gained so much more confidence since she started in Reception. She has flourished and that is down to all the teachers that she has had and all the support that she has had. All the shows, productions have also helped my child and she really enjoys singing and playing instruments. This has also helped with her confidence." Anon

"The opportunities my daughter has had at Phoenix have been fantastic. She enjoys school - hence her 100% attendance every year! She loves to learn as the teachers have always encouraged and inspired her. The trips are fab and affordable and music at the school and children's and staff's talents are clear, and Mr Miles' enthusiasm is contagious. I feel the homework should be sheets and continuation from classwork rather than topic based, but I understand it is just my opinion and that it was implemented for a reason. I liked it when the topic homework was at half-term so that she could be pushed more but it's fun to do." E.O.

"Everyone at school has been amazing from the caretaker to the headmaster. The communication is excellent, my child has acheived well beyond my expectations and I feel his teachers have made a key impact in acheiving this. There is nothing at all I would like to see changed and would like to thank everyone for the commitment and exceptional work everyone does. 'Outstanding School'. Anon

"Very happy I moved [name] in Year 2 from another school she is doing so much better, very happy, well worth the 30 min walk every day. Well done. P.M.

"I would like when on a school trip there be a school rule that spending money is [not] allowed as I have three in the school. The Leeds Castle trip is £8 = £24. I know it says up to £5 spending but I don't want my children feeling left out or picked on becuse they don't have spending money and I can't really afford to keep giving money for them. Anon

"Well connected to school, also received text which is great, likewise mail. Great idea." Anon

Contact Us

Tel: 01233 622510

Belmont Road, Ashford, 
Kent, TN24 9LS

  • Headteacher
    Mr L Robichaud
  • Office Manager
    Mrs D Davis
  • Finance
    Mrs S Burberry
  • Site Manager
    Mr S King
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